16 May 2009

Commencement 2009

9:30 Holy Mass
Offered by the Right Reverend Mag. Gregor Henckel-Donnersmarck, O.Cist., Abbot of Heilegenkreuz

11:30 Graduation
Invocation by the Abbot
Greetings from President Hogan
Sicut cervus by the ITI choir
Conferral of degrees by the Abbot in the name of Pope Benedict XVI
Oath of Fidelity
Speech by class speaker Katherine Gardner
Hymn to Mary sung by Fr. Juraj, Fr. Tomas, Fr. Josef, and Fr. Yurko
Commencement address by Dean Dolna
Te Deum laudamus!

2:30 Luncheon in the Praelatensaal

7:00 Barbeque American style!

And I have to say that I'm very flattered to have made the center-fold of this year's edition of Fuga Cervi, the student scrapbook of random fun and memories. It's a song about me, written by one of the other students here, and it goes like this.

Pompous John, 
Pompous John, 
He loves a good song.

1. But, only if men sing it, 
Men who are priests, 
Wearing vestments, 
Lacy lace vestments.

2. But, only if it's chant, 
Gregorian chant, 
Sung toward the East, 
Toward the rising sun.

3. But, only if it's Latin, 
Lingua Latina, 
So he doesn't like this song, 
Because it's not very good.


Will said...


That is quite an honor to have such a song about you. I am envious.

Mark K. Spencer said...

Is this song set to a particular tune? Can it be sung to the accompaniment of electric guitars and bongos?