19 April 2009


We drove down to Mariazell this afternoon to take Betsy to see the Great Mother of Austria, our Lady of Mariazell. The basilica is quite beautiful - with an especially impressive organ - and the 850 year old statue of our Lady is royally robed and enthroned in splendor befitting her majesty.

It was a little on the cool side, but we still couldn't resist having some ice cream. Maria hesitated not at all in choosing her flavor: "I want blue!"

On our way there, we passed by the Erlaufsee and parked the car to get out (both to admire the view and to relieve the carsickness, it's quite a rolling drive). Our two kids with two of their Aunts: 


Anna said...

Is 'blue' a flavor?

big daddy said...

You need to read John Clancy's discussion of the Navy's fruit punches. He seems to think the red flavored one is better than the orange flavored one.

Unknown said...

At Zanoni and Zanoni's in Vienna, she opted for "green" (pistachio).