05 November 2008

Happy Feast Day, Lisa!

In honor of the feast day of St. Elisabeth, the mother of St. John the Baptist and Lisa's baptismal patronness, we walked down to the Kartausenkeller for ice cream after dinner. Maria was very cute. Her ice cream came out of the kitchen last, but she patiently refused to accept spoonfulls from our bowls preferring to wait for her own dish: "he's bringing one for me."


Anonymous said...

Also Betsy Joy's baptismal patronness/feast day. 51 days until our trip! 1-2-3 Mom

Anonymous said...

That is very mature of Maria! Especially if she figured that sharing mommy's bowl now would mean sharing her bowl later!

Boniface said...

For those of us from the Detroit region, this is also the Feast Day of Venerable Solanus Casey.