19 November 2007

Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost

Our mother the Catholic and Roman Church is permeated with the word of Christ, and is admirably represented by the three measures of meal, which the energy of fermentation wholly leavened; and by the mustard tree, the greatest of its species, where the birds of heaven are glad to find shelter. May the "leaven" of the doctrine of Jesus penetrate and transform our souls!


Boniface said...

Oh my goodness John, that couch in the picture with Maria's uncle looks like the exact same couch we had in our apartment in Gaming! Tell me, is it really old and nappy and does it separate annoyingly into several different sections whilst you are trying to lay on it? I wonder if ITI just switched it to your place...we were the only ones I knew of there who had a couch like that and if it matches my description, I bet it is the same one.

Lisa said...

I don't think it's the same...it doesn't come apart, and doesn't seem as old as some of the furniture I've seen around Gaming. I'm sure that the ITI does just move furniture from one place to another, but I think this one was just left by the last family who lived here.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure the ITI got a bulk discount on furniture at one time. Now you know: with a little effort, you can make your couch separate annoyingly when you're trying to lie on it.