03 April 2010

Holy Saturday

Like a sheep was He led to the slaughter: and whilst He was ill-used He opened not His mouth: He was delivered up to death * That He might give life to His people. He delivered Himself up to death, and was counted among the wicked. * That He might give life to His people.

Arise, O Jerusalem, and put off thy garments of joy: put on ashes and sackcloth: * For in thee was slain the Savior of Israel. Shed thy tears like a torrent, day and night, and let not the apple of thine eye be dry: * For in thee was slain the Savior of Israel.

Mourn as a virgin, O my people: ye shepherds, howl in ashes and sackcloth: * For the day of the Lord is come, great and exceedingly bitter. Gird yourselves, O ye priests, and mourn, ye ministers of the altar; sprinkle yourselves with ashes: * For the day of the Lord is come, great and exceedingly bitter. Mourn as a virgin, O my people: ye shepherds, howl in ashes and sackcloth: * For the day of the Lord is come, great and exceedingly bitter.

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