14 August 2009

Pear Picking and Playing in the Park

After work on Friday Lisa and the kids came down to the Schloss to pick some pears in preparation for the feast of the Assumption. Falling in the middle of August as it does, the Assumption was long the traditional day to bring fruits, herbs, and flowers to the church for a special blessing. Sadly, such traditions have largely fallen out of practice, and had we shown up with our pears and flowers at the parish I don't think they would have known what to do with them.

With a sack full of pears we walked home by way of a nice park near the parish church and the kindergarten. Maria and Thomas both enjoyed the swings.


Grandma said...

What a pear? Thomas has quite a little twinkle and Maria is so grown up.

ckgaler said...

Just so long as you didn't steal the pears (per St. Augustine). . .

big daddy said...

Have you ever tried canning pears? It's a real pain. The only thing worse is canning quinces, which are just as hard but aren't worth eating later.

big daddy said...

See how God turns everything to the good, though? We all got an excessively insightful discussion about sin from the theft of those pears!