01 March 2008

March: Dedicated to St. Joseph

This year the Feast of St. Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and Confessor (I Class) is moved to March 15 because March 19 falls within Holy Week. This means that the novena to St. Joseph also begins earlier, but I suddenly find myself wondering whether novenas are generally prayed on the nine days preceding the feast (in this case March 6-14), or is the feast itself the ninth day (in this case March 7-15)? The case of Pentecost, which I would take as the paradigmatic novena would seem to indicate the former. Does anyone know?

St. Joseph is among other things the patron Saint of a happy death. In bk. 5 ch. 4 of The Mystical City of God (containing the private revelations granted to Venerable Mary of Agreda), the "Happy Death of St. Joseph" is spoken of at length. An excerpt:

In his ecstasy he [St. Joseph] clearly saw the Divine Essence, and manifested therein, all that he had believed by faith: the Incomprehensible Divinity, the Mystery of Incarnation and Redemption, the Militant Church with all its Sacraments and Mysteries.

The Blessed Trinity commissioned and assigned him as the messenger of our Savior to the holy Patriarchs and Prophets of Limbo and commanded him to prepare them for their issuing forth from this bosom of Abraham to eternal rest and happiness.

All this Most Holy Mary saw reflected in the soul of her Divine Son together with all the other Mysteries, just as they had been made known to her beloved spouse, and she offered her sincerest thanks for all this to her Lord.

When Saint Joseph issued from this ecstasy his face shone with wonderful splendor and his soul was entirely transformed by his vision of the Essence of God. He asked his blessed spouse to give him her benediction; but she requested her Divine Son to bless him in her stead, which He did.

Then the Great Queen of Humility, falling on her knees, besought Saint Joseph to bless her, as being her husband and head. Not without Divine impulse the man of God fulfilled this request for the consolation of his Most Prudent Spouse. She kissed the hands with which he blessed her and asked him to salute the just ones of Limbo in her name.

The most humble Joseph, sealing his life with an act of self-abasement, asked pardon of his Heavenly Spouse for all his deficiencies in her service and love and begged her to grant him her assistance and intercession in this hour of his passing away. The holy man also rendered humblest thanks to her Son for all the blessings of his life and especially for those received during this sickness. The last words Saint Joseph spoke to his Spouse were:

"Blessed art thou among all women and elect of all the creatures. Let Angels and men praise thee; let all the generations know, praise and exalt thy dignity; and may in thee be known, adored and exalted the name of the Most High through all the coming ages; may He be eternally praised for having created thee so pleasing in His eyes and in the sight of all the Blessed and in the sight of all the Blessed Spirits. I hope to enjoy thy sight in the Heavenly Fatherland."

Then this man of God, turning toward Christ, our Lord, in profoundest reverence, wished to kneel before Him. But the Sweetest Jesus, coming near, received him in His arms, where reclining his head upon them, Joseph said:

"My highest Lord and God, Son of the eternal Father, Creator and Redeemer of the world, give Thy blessing to Thy servant and the works of Thy hand; pardon, O Most merciful King, the faults which I have committed in Thy service and intercourse. I extol and magnify Thee and render eternal and heartfelt thanks to Thee for having, in Thy ineffable condescension, chosen me to be the spouse of Thy true Mother; let Thy greatness and glory be my thanksgiving for all eternity."

The Redeemer of the world gave him the benediction saying:

"My father, rest in peace and in the grace of My Eternal Father and Mine; and to the Prophets and Saints, who await thee in Limbo, bring the joyful news of the approach of their redemption."

At this word of Jesus, and reclining in His arms, the fortunate Saint Joseph expired and the Lord Himself closed his eyes.

At the same time the multitude of Angels, who attended upon their King and Queen, intoned hymns of praise in loud and harmonious voices. By command of the Lord they carried his most holy soul to the gathering place of the Patriarchs and Prophets, where it was immediately recognized by all as clothed in the splendors of incomparable grace, as the putative father and intimate friend of the Redeemer, worthy of highest veneration.

Conformably to the will and mandate of the Lord his arrival spread inutterable joy in this countless gathering of the saints by the announcement of their speedy rescue.


Anonymous said...

I don't know your answer to the novena question, but I know that the Divine Mercy novena begins on Good Friday, which means that the 9th day of the novena is Saturday, the day before Divine Mercy Sunday (aka the second Sunday of Easter).

Anonymous said...

I believe a novena is always the 9days leading up to a feast, not counting the feast as day 9. I think this is in part because a feast day is anticipated by its vigil, so the day of the vigil is day 9 of the novena.
I include here for everyone's edification the prayer to St Joseph that the Joy family has prayed for many years:
Holy St. Joseph, spouse of Mary, be mindful of us, watch over us, pray for us. Guardian of the child Jesus, take our affairs, spiritual and temporal, into your hands, and obtain for us the grace to know and acccomplish the holy will of God...and I add, St. Joseph, please watch over and obtain special graces for my father, the father of my children, my son, who is himself a father, and all fathers who seek to do God's will.
Happy March!