14 September 2008

The Exaltation of the Holy Cross

Chosroes, king of Persia, carried away the True Cross to Persia; but Heraclius, Emperor of the East, defeated Chosroes and himself carried the holy Cross to the Basilica on Calvary in 629.

Today's feast is a big one for the Byzantines, so the Divine Liturgy was even longer than usual this morning, with much venerating of the cross. Afterwards, a couple of friends came over for brunch (pancakes: Maria's favorite); and then this evening we were invited over to the Kartause for a big common dinner. One of the faculty members here is leaving soon for the seminary in Vienna, and cooking big meals for everyone is something he's done rather frequently (and he's a great cook). So, this evening was something of a send off - his last time cooking for everyone (at least for the near future).

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