10 June 2012

Some Pictures

John is finished with his studies at the ITI, and yesterday graduated with his class. It's been an exhausting week. Rain began to pour during the ceremony, and it ended early. John took that to mean that he was free to go home, and left before official group shots were taken, so he is not in any of those. Ah well, one way or another I think he will be remembered here.

John is introduced by the President of the Institute. Among other things, he stated that John was "one of the best students here in recent years."

John has his academic biretta placed on his head.

After being granted his Licentiate degree, John joined the members of the faculty, instead of returning to his seat with the other students, because he is now qualified to teach Theology.

John (the one in the middle not wearing a gown) with the other graduates.


Yesterday we had our graduation ceremony. So all is done, I officially have a licentiate in theology. It's a great relief to be done. We're very excited now about getting ready for our two weeks in Italy, and after that homeward bound!

02 June 2012

John's Defense

John is currently out of town, but I thought I'd update everyone a little on his defense. To use the words of one of the professors sitting in on it, "he was brilliant!"

29 May 2012

Last Day of Classes

Today marks day the last of five years' worth of classes at the ITI for yours truly. At 9:00 I have Augustine and Aquinas on the Resurrection of Christ in the Gospel of John. Then at 14:30 a summation of the divergences between Aquinas and Bonaventure on Metaphysics, Theology, and Divine Personhood. 

Tomorrow is a reading day for the whole school to prepare for exams. On Thursday, I will join one of the professors giving examinations. Friday afternoon I publicly defend my thesis. Next Monday I have my last exam. At some point early next week I give a lecture on the apparent discrepancies between the Gospels regarding the date of the Last Supper. And that's it. 


28 May 2012

Some Pictures from Pentecost

The Pentecost party was epic, but unfortunately we have very few pictures from it (except for the croquet game).

Here are a few of the kiddos before Mass

Chris wasn't so good at the game, but he had fun dancing (and lighting things on fire, in honor of the Holy Spirit).

John and I won the first match. I think his outfit helped.

26 May 2012

Happy Birthday

This one's for Mary - still on pace to be called Dr. Joy before I am.

20 May 2012

7 Years

Academic Theses

My master's and licentiate theses are now available at Academia.edu. You can read them in their entirety online or download them as pdf files. My baccalaureate thesis is available from the website of Antiphon, the Journal of the Society for Catholic Liturgy.

B.Phil. Thesis: Outpouring of the Holy Spirit (2005).

S.T.M. Thesis: Poena Satisfactoria (2010).

S.T.L. Thesis: Cathedra Veritatis (2012).

19 May 2012

Happy 6th Birthday, Maria!

I can't believe she's 6! Today Maria had a party with all her friends here, and also went to a festival put on by the Trumau scouts (which is why her face is painted in the pictures below).

Happy Birthday, sweet girl!


Maria had her last ballet lesson yesterday, and while the teacher wasn't up for putting a recital together, she did invite all the parents to watch the girls dance. Here are some pictures. The girls were all having a hard time knowing what to do with their hands, so the teacher told them to hold their "babies" to give them something to do with them.

13 May 2012

Lied für Mama (oder Oma)

Melodie "Anton aus Tirol"

Du bist so schön.
Du bist so toll.
Als Mama (Oma) bist du wundervoll!

Du bist immer für mich da,
darum ruf ich laut, "HURRA!"
Ohne Dich, da möchte ich gar nicht sein!

Du bist so schön.
Du bist so toll.
Als Mama (Oma) bist du wundervoll!

Du bist immer für mich da,
darum ruf ich laut, "HURRA!"
Ohne dich, da fühl ich mich allein!

Du bist so schön.
Du bist so toll.
Als Mama (Oma) bist du wundervoll!

Alle Leute solln es wissen,
Mama (Oma), du bist ja zum Küssen!
Hör gut zu, mein Schatzi bist nur DU!
Du bist so schön.
Du bist so toll.
Als Mama (Oma) bist du wundervoll!

Croquet Match

We just acquired a croquet set recently. The inaugural match was held on Sunday, with John and Lisa facing off against Katie and David. Unfortunately, the youngsters ending up on the winning side. Quite a good show all the way around, though.